Psychological Assessment Form Psychological Assessment Form To be completed by the contestant without influence. Completing this form accurately helps reduce the time spent on these questions during your psychological interview, and also provides us with a guide on how best to help you. It may seem long, but most of the questions require only a check, so it will go quickly. If you have any questions, please send us a WhatsApp message on 08096642604 and we would respond ASAP. Unique code assigned to you (e.g. FIF01, FIF02, FIF03… FIF12) * How old are you? * Gender * Height (Feets) Weight (Kg) Have you been managed/ struggled with any of these in the past (check all that applies) * Anger Management Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Depression Anxiety Alcohol Abuse Other Substance Abuse (e.g. Marijuana, Tobacco) Schizophrenia Bipolar Affective Disorder Suicide/ Suicidal Thoughts ADHD Any other mental health need not listed above None of the above How would you classify your eating habit? * Poor Excellent Good How would you classify your sleep? * Excellent Good Poor Have you ever had feelings or thoughts that you didn’t want to live? * No Maybe Yes Do you currently feel hopeless and/or worthless? Yes No Maybe How often do you have these thoughts? Daily Every other day Weekly Bi-weekly Monthly Other Have you ever tried to kill or harm yourself in the past? Have you ever had the thought to kill or harm someone else? * Yes No If yes, when did you last have the thought Do you have any allergies: (if none, write none. If yes, do write the allergy) * Current medical challenges (if none, write none) * Past medical challenges, nonpsychiatric hospitalization, or surgeries (if none, write none) * Do you have any concerns about your physical health that you would like to discuss with us? (if none, write none) * Have you ever had an outpatient treatment? * No Yes If yes, please provide details Have you ever had a psychiatric hospitalization? * Yes No If yes, please provide details Past/ Present Psychiatric Medications (check all that applies) Antidepressants Antipsychotics ADHD medications Mood Stabilizers Sedative/Hypnotics Antianxiety medications Do you exercise regularly? * Yes No How many days a week do you exercise? Have you ever been treated for alcohol, drug use? * Yes No If yes, for which substances? Check if you have ever tried any the following (check all that applies) LSD or Hallucinogens Alcohol Tranquilizer/sleeping pills Marijuana Tobacco (Cigarettes, pipes, cigar, or chewing) Cocaine Pain killers (not as prescribed) Methadone Methamphetamine Heroin Stimulants (pills) Ecstasy How many caffeinated beverages do you drink a day? * Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking or drug use? Maybe Yes No Have you ever felt you ought to cut down on your drinking or drug use? Yes No Maybe Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking or drug use? Maybe No Yes How would you rate your relationship with your father? * Excellent Poor Good How would you rate your relationship with your mother? * Excellent Good Poor How would you rate your relationship with your siblings? * Poor Excellent Good Check any of the following that applied during your childhood/adolescence * Unhappy Childhood Alcohol Abuse Adventurous Legal Challenges Strong Religious Convictions School Challenges Drug Abuse Happy Childhood Emotional/ Behavioral Challenges Family Challenges Medical Challenges SECTION 9: TRAUMA HISTORY Do you have ANY traumatic experiences? * No Yes If yes, please provide details (please include details if there are multiple traumatic experiences) How would you grade your overall performance in secondary and primary school? * Above Average Below Average Average Were you bullied at any time in school? * Yes No If yes, please provide details of the bullying experience Did you bully anyone at any time in school? * Yes No If yes, please provide details of the bullying experience SECTION 13: LEGAL/ FINANCIAL Do you have any pending legal problems? * No Yes Do you have any pending debt problems? * No Yes Do you belong to a particular religion or spiritual group? * No Yes Do you find your involvement helpful, or does the involvement make things more difficult or stressful for you? * Helpful Very much helpful Unhelpful Very much unhelpful Is there anything else that you would like us to know? (if none, write none) * * I certify that the information provided on this form is true to the best of my knowledge * I acknowledge the use of the information provided on this form for the purpose of assessment and to provide help where needed * I acknowledge that I have read and understand the informed consent (request a copy from the project director if you don’t already have one) If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Δ