SCID II Psychometric Assessment SCID II Assessment These questions are about the kind of person you generally are; that is how you usually have felt or believed over the past several years. Fill in ‘’Yes or No” Answer all the questions. If a question is unclear, pick the answer that best describes the kind of person that you are. User Code * Gender * 1. Have you avoided jobs or assignments that involved having to deal with a lot of other people? * YesNo 2. Do you avoid getting involved with people unless you are certain that they will be like you? * YesNo 3. Do you find it hard to be “open” even with people you are close to? * YesNo 4. Do you often worry about being criticized or rejected in social situations? * YesNo 5. Are you usually quite when you meet people? * YesNo 6. Do you believe that you are not as good, as smart, or as attractive as most other people? * YesNo 7. Are you afraid to try new things? * YesNo 8. Do you need lot of advice or reassurance from others before you can make everyday decision-such as what to wear or what in order in a restaurant? * YesNo 9. Do you depend on other people to handle important areas in your life such as finances, child care, living arrangements? * YesNo 10. Do you find it hard to disagree with people even when you think they are wrong? * YesNo 11. Do you find it hard to start work on tasks when there is no one to help you? * YesNo 12. Have you often volunteered to do things that are unpleasant? * YesNo 13. Do you usually feel uncomfortable when you are by yourself? * YesNo 14. When a close relationship ends, do you quickly need to find someone else you can rely on? * YesNo 15. Do you worry a lot about being left alone to take care of yourself? * YesNo 16. Are you the kind of person who focuses on details, order, and organization, or likes to make lists and schedules? * YesNo 17. Do you have trouble finishing jobs because you spend so much time trying to get things exactly right? * YesNo 18. Do you or other people feel that you are so devoted to work (school) that you have no time left for anyone else or just having fun? * YesNo 19. Do you have very high standard about what is right and what is wrong? * YesNo 20. Do you have trouble throwing things out because they might come in handy someday? * YesNo 21. Is it hard for you to let other people help out if they don’t agree to do things exactly, the way you want? * YesNo 22. Is it hard for you to spend money on yourself and other people even when you have enough? * YesNo 23. Are you often so sure you are right that it doesn’t matter what other people say? * YesNo 24. Have other people told you, you are stubborn or rigid? * YesNo 25. When someone asks you to do something that y don’t want to do, do you say “yes” but then work slowly or do a bad job? * YesNo 26. Often, if you don’t Want to do something you just “forget” to do it? * YesNo 27. Do you often feel that other people don’t understand you, or don’t appreciate how much you do? * YesNo 28. Are you often gloomy and likely to get into arguments? * YesNo 29. Have you often found that most of your bosses, teachers, supervisors, doctors and others who are supposed to know what they are doing really don’t? * YesNo 30. Do you often think that it’s not fair that other people have more than you do? * YesNo 31. Do you often complain that only bad things happen to you? * YesNo 32. Do you often go back and forth telling someone off and then trying to make up by doing whatever they want? * YesNo 33. Do you usually feel unhappy or like life is not fair? * YesNo 34. Do you believe that you are basically an inadequate person and feel not good about yourself? * YesNo 35. Do you often put yourself down? * YesNo 36. Are you a worrier? * YesNo 37. Do you often judge others harshly and easily find fault with them? * YesNo 37. Do you often judge others harshly and easily find fault with them? * YesNo 38. Do you think that most people are basically not good? * YesNo 39. Do you almost always expect the worst? * YesNo 40. Do you often feel guilty about things you have or haven’t done? * YesNo 41. Do you often have to keep an eye out to stop people from using you or hurting you? * YesNo 42. Do you spend a lot of time wondering if you can trust your friends or the people you work with? * YesNo 43. Do you find that it is best not to let other people know too much about you? * YesNo 44. Do you often pick up hidden meanings in what people say or do? * YesNo 45. Are you the kind of person who holds grudges or takes a long time to forgive people who have insulted or slighted you? * YesNo 46. Are there many people that you can’t forgive because they did or said something to you a long time ago? * YesNo 47. Do you often get angry or lash out when someone criticizes or insults you in some way? * YesNo 48. Have you often suspected that your spouse or partner has been unfaithful? * YesNo 49. When you are out in public and see people talking, do you often feel that they are talking about you? * YesNo 50. Do you often get the feeling that things that appear to be unrelated are really meant to give you a special meaning? * YesNo 51. Do you often detect hidden messages in seemingly unrelated events? * YesNo 52. Have you ever felt that you could make things happen just by making a wish or thinking about them? * YesNo 53. Have you had personal experiences with the supernatural? * YesNo 54. Do you often think that objects or shadows are really people or animals or that noises are actually people’s voices? * YesNo 55. Do you believe that you have a “sixth sense” that allows you to know and predict things that others can’t? * YesNo 56. Have you had the sense that some person or force is around you, even though you cannot see anyone? * YesNo 57. Do you often see auras or energy fields around people? * YesNo 58. Are there very few people you are really close to outside of your immediate family? * YesNo 59. Do you often feel nervous when you are around other people? * YesNo 60. Do you not feel close relationships with other people like family or friends? * YesNo 61. Would you rather do things alone or with other people? * YesNo 62. Could you be content without being involved with another person? * YesNo 63. Are there very few things that give you a lot of pleasure? * YesNo 64. Does it matter to you what people think of you? * YesNo 65. Do you find that nothing makes you very happy or very sad? * YesNo 66. Do you like to be the center of attention? * YesNo 67. Do you flirt a lot? * YesNo 68. Do you often dress in a sexy way, even when you are going to work or during errands? * YesNo 69. Do you try to draw attention to yourself by the way you look or the way you dress? * YesNo 70. Do you often make a point of being dramatic? * YesNo 71. Do you find that your own opinion and feelings about things are not very strong so that you go along with other peoples opinions? * YesNo 72. Do you become very close with nearly everyone you meet? * YesNo 73. Do most people fail to appreciate your very special talent or accomplishment? * YesNo 74. Have people ever told you that you have too high an opinion of yourself? * YesNo 75. Do you think a lot about the power, fame, or recognition that would be yours someday? * YesNo 76. Do you think a lot about the perfect romance that would yours someday? * YesNo 77. When you have problem, do you almost insist on seeing the top person? * YesNo 78. Do you feel it’s worth spending time only with people who are special or important? * YesNo 79. Is it very important to you that people pay attention to you or admire you in some way? * YesNo 80. Do you think it is not necessary to follow certain rules or social conventions when they get in your way? * YesNo 81. Do you often feel that there are some reasons why other people should give you especially good treatment? * YesNo 82. Do you often find it necessary to step on a few toes to get what you want? * YesNo 83. Do you often have to put your needs above other people? * YesNo 84. Do you often expect other people to do what you ask without question because of who you are? * YesNo 85. Do you often feel that it’s not important to deal with other people’s concerns or feelings? * YesNo 86. Does it burn you when other people do well? * YesNo 87. Do you feel that others are envious of you? * YesNo 88. Do you find that very few people are worth your time and attention? * YesNo 89. Have you ever become frantic when you thought that someone you really care about was going to leave you? * YesNo 90. Do your relationships with other people you care about have lots of ups and down? * YesNo 91. Have you abruptly changed your sense of who you are and where you are headed? * YesNo 92. Does your sense of who you are often change dramatically? * YesNo 93. Has there been lots of change in your goals, career plans, religion, and so on? * YesNo 94. Have you often done things impulsively? * YesNo 95. Have you tried to hurt or kill yourself or threatened to do so? * YesNo 96. Have you ever cut, burned, or scratched yourself on purpose? * YesNo 97. Are you a “moody” person? * YesNo 98. Do you often feel empty inside? * YesNo 99. Do you often have a temper outburst or get so angry that you lose control? * YesNo 100. Do you hit people or throw things when you get angry? * YesNo 101. Do even the little things get you angry? * YesNo 102. Do you get suspicious of other people or feel especially out when you are under a lot of stress? * YesNo 103. …did you bully or threaten other kids? * YesNo 103. …did you bully or threaten other kids? * YesNo 104. …did you start a fight? * YesNo 105. …did you use a weapon in a fight, like a bat, brick, broken bottle, a knife or gun? * YesNo 106. …did you ever deliberately try to cause someone physical pain and suffering? * YesNo 107. …did you sometimes hurt animals on purpose? * YesNo 108. …did you ever forcibly take something from someone by threatening, robbing, or mugging him or her? * YesNo 109. …did you ever force someone to have sex with you? * YesNo 110. …did you set fires? * YesNo 111. …did you deliberately damage things that weren’t yours? * YesNo 112. …did you break into a house, other building, or car? * YesNo 113. …did you lie a lot or con other people? * YesNo 114. …did you ever steal or shoplift things? * YesNo 115. …did you run away from home and stay away overnight? * YesNo 116. …would you often stay out very late, long after the time you were supposed to be home? * YesNo 117. …did you often skip school * YesNo If you are human, leave this field blank. 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