Couples Psychometric/ Assessment Tests – Love Language and Sexual Awareness

Couples Psychometric Tests 2

IMPORTANT: It is necessary to complete the forms with what you genuinely feel today, rather than what you hope to feel or what is considered right. This will help the analysis and increase the tendency to achieve your goals based on the result

INSTRUCTIONS: Kindly complete this form by rating yourself against the statements below with 1 being the statement that least describes you and 10 being the statement that most describe your reality
INSTRUCTION: – The items listed below refer to the sexual aspects of people’s lives. Please read each item carefully and decide to what extent it is characteristic of you. Give each item a rating of how much it applies to you by using the following scale: A = Not at all characteristic of me = Slightly characteristic of me C = Somewhat characteristic of me D = Moderately characteristic of me E = Very characteristic of me