Family Therapy and Counseling (Concierge)

From: 80,000.00

Family Therapy or Counselling is a type of psychological treatment that is focused on helping family members resolve certain areas of conflict, improve communications and relationships, help families cope with a stressful situation, help cope with a family member struggling with mental health, behavioural, or physical challenge, help the family achieve a sense of togetherness, and much more.

Services from a trained professional have been shown to yield long term benefits

Our concierge option is what we call total care (VIP) service because this bespoke approach allows you access a therapist, counsellor or psychologist at the comfort of your home or office, with extended engagement.

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We all belong to a family and this is the smallest functional unit of the society.

Family Counselling or Therapy is often a short term psychological intervention and involves all family members or interested persons.  During therapy, your family therapist would be focused on helping families tap into their strengths as a family to improve their current situation. 

Family Counselling or Therapy differs in so many ways from Couples Therapy. Couples therapy focuses on the needs of the couple, while family counselling or therapy many involve only one parent and one child, the entire household, among siblings, and what’s more. Sessions with the family is not a time to ascribe blames, be rude or insist that members of the family follow through with recommended strategies. There would be ground rules established by the therapist, psychologist or counsellor.

During family sessions, you’ll be encouraged to talk about your feelings and emotions to a trained mental health professional in Nigeria, who’ll listen and support each member without judging or criticizing. The therapist is not focused on offering his/her own solutions but rather motivated towards helping the family develop their unique solutions. Your therapist would apply a single therapeutic approach a blend of approaches based on the family unique profile. 

While family counselling or therapy is a short-term treatment, do note that you would have more than one sessions. The number of required sessions would be determined after the first session and assessment.  Family counselling is only provided by our verified therapists, psychologists, or counsellors in Lagos and Abuja, Nigeria.

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